Enter your details

House name/number & street
Drag slider to your proficiency: 10 = lowest, 100 = highest.
Please give name, address, contact number, email.
Please give name, address, contact number, email.
Give currency: £ - € - $

Previous flying experience

If no experience type 'none'



1. Prices are based on fixed USD prices.

2. GBP rates subject to change based on exchange rate fluctuations.

3. Course details and prices may change due to FAA and EASA regulatory requirements or amendments of the EASA and FAA course Syllabus.

4. Individual students may require additional training outside the course syllabus.

5. Published course duration are best estimates and may be influenced by factors such as weather, maintenance, aircraft scheduling, individual student ability/requirements and examiner availability.

6. For unexpected cost increases, 2Fly reserve the right to increase course fees, at any time.


This form collects some personal data in order that we can best serve your interests such as assessing your credentials to enter a course of training, informing you of any seminars in your area, or any training scholarships or offers. Check our Privacy Policy by clicking the link at the foot of this page for full details on how we protect and manage your submitted data. Please tick box to consent.

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